What we can do for you

We are proud to service the need for English and Spanish content for entertainment, educational or industrial media for millions of viewers who are deaf, hearing-impaired, or utilize captions and subtitles to further their language familiarity. We help our customers expand into wider markets to great success.


In a world where content knows no borders, your material is far too valuable to leave to nonprofessional or machines to transcribe or translate. Our team of experienced subtitling editors and translators have proven track records on first-run programming, are fully certified and skilled in all technical and stylistic requirements for subtitle origination. We produce the highest quality of Transcription or Translation for your source material (to and from Spanish, or English) in subtitle form and achieve on-time delivery in any timed-text format desired. Our subtitles are fully compliant with Studio, Broadcast, Gaming and Online Streaming best practices.


Clear and accurate transcriptions, with or without timecode, and in any configuration required. Scripts for ABS, Dialogue Lists or general transcription for clarity in any field is a primary service for our team. We add value to your content by making it searchable and shareable across a wide spectrum of industries. Let us know what your needs are, and we can ensure a dedicated team is there to handle your material from beginning to end, customized, secure and with structure.

Closed Captioning

Accessibility for the Hearing-Impaired audience is a core service we take much pride in. AT IC we understand the important entryway role our captions hold for your existing and future audience. Our caption editors generate captions that are fully compliant with FCC, Studio, Broadcast and Online Streaming guidelines that are:

-Accurate: Our captions match the spoken words in thedialogue and convey background noises and other sounds to the fullest extent.

-Synchronous: Our captions coincide with their corresponding spoken words and sounds to the greatest extent and are displayed on the screen at a precise timing speed that can be read by viewers.

-Complete: Our captions cover all content from the beginning to the end of the program.

-Properly placed: Our team ensures that no caption blocks other important visual content on the screen, overlap with one another or run off the edge of the video screen.

File Reformatting and Conformance

Often our customers must start with pre-existing files for Subtitles or Captions. These source files can vary in technical and content quality, or they require reformatting or “conforming” to new specifications. At IC we can handle any source material and assess the proper workflow to implement at the start, whether it is a simple time-based conversion, or more complex re-timing, including off-setting of content around changes to the media, or origination of segments from scratch to conform the rest of the file to a proper state.

You can trust our team to properly assess and implement both Simple and Complex conformance workflows, with your audience, budget and timeline in mind.

Quality Control

IC provides full translation, proofreading, text review, transcriptions, or any other linguistic service that may be required.
Our translators are located in Latin America or North America, in their native countries, for greater QC efficacy. Our team reviews content for accuracy and consistency using multiple toolsets to great effect.

For customers looking to increase efficiencies, reduce costs and time, we are also able to provide solutions customized to the needs of our customers in their own production environment.
Our teams are flexible and integrate easily with new tools and workflows should you require us to work within your established ecosystem for seamless Quality Control.

Your next million customers speak Spanish and need access to your content. What is your plan?

Trusted by customers worldwide across multiple industries and platforms:

Intelligens Captioning
Intelligens Captioning
Intelligens Ccaptioning
Intelligens Captioning
Intelligens Captioning

Intelligens Captioning


At IC our mission is to provide professional account management and operational excellence for the benefit of our customers and their audience. We pride ourselves in providing accurate and timely communication across multiple time zones for quality delivery on time, every time, at competitive rates for our exclusive clientele.

Contact us for more information on how we can help you and your team expand your audience and contribute to the success of your content.

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